
Selected Campus Resources

The following campus resources provide support to graduate students in their respective areas.  For more information on individual programs and services, please contact the resource directly.  Please note that this list is not all-inclusive, but provides a selection of resources that can assist you during your graduate student experience.

Resources marked with an asterisk (*) after their name indicates that they are a confidential resource with whom you may seek assistance.  They can help to guide and advise you while keeping their conversations with you confidential.

Advocacy Office
This office upholds the University’s nondiscrimination policy and handles complaints and concerns regarding protected class issues.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 210
(808) 956-4431


Campus Resource and Service Center is an office that can assist you in locating information and resources for campus-related questions or concerns.

2656 McCarthy Mall, Keller Hall 111
(808) 956-5000


Center for Teaching Excellence
CTE maintains ongoing dialogue about excellence in teaching through professional development programs and services at UH Mānoa.  CTE offers services for TA training, teaching evaluations, individual consultations, and innovative teaching spaces.

1733 Donaghho Road, Kuykendall Hall 107
(808) 956-6978


Counseling and Student Development Center*
Services encompass personal, academic and career concerns. All services are confidential and designed to be timely, accessible, preventative, and personalized to meet your needs.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 312
(808) 956-7927


Equal Employment Office/ Affirmative Action Office
The EEO/AA Office promotes the university’s commitment to diversity by overseeing the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the UH System.

2500 Campus Road, Admin Srvcs Bldg 1-102
(808) 956-7077


Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
This is a campus student organization committed to the representation and support of graduate students. They facilitate research initiatives by students, networking opportunities, and provide input on issues/concerns affecting graduate students on this campus. Representatives from this organization currently sit on over 40 university committees.

2445 Campus Rd., Hemenway 212
(808) 956-8776


International Student Services
The Office of International Student Services strives to support international student success by advising students on immigration regulations, serving as a resource, and advocating for international students and education.

2600 Campus Road, QLC 206
(808) 956-8613


KOKUA Program (Kahi O Ka Ulu ‘Ana – “The Place of Growing”)
This office is responsible for providing disability access services to students with disabilities. Faculty, staff, and students with concerns related to access and equal opportunity for students with disabilities should contact this office.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 013
(808) 956-7612 (Voice or TTY)


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Center
The LGBTQ+ Center strives to maintain a safe and inclusive campus environment free from harassment and discrimination. The center offers daily direct services, advocacy, and a study lounge.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 211
(808) 956-9250


Mānoa Advocate*
The Mānoa Advocate provides confidential assessment for UH Mānoa students, faculty and staff who are experiencing any form of sexual or gender-based discrimination or sexual misconduct. We can offer referrals, counseling, advocacy, and/or dispute resolution as appropriate to your personal circumstance.

Jamie Newalu, LSW
(808) 956-9499
Queen Liliʻuokalani Center for Student Services 210
2600 Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822


Mānoa Human Resources
Mānoa HR provides tools and resources for employees, supervisors, administrators, and prospective employees in areas including but not limited to classification, compensation, recruitment, selection, labor relations, training, and other HR related matters.

2500 Campus Road, Hawaii Hall 115
(808) 956-0712


Office of Student Conduct
This office ensures the rights and responsibilities of students are upheld as it relates to a safe and welcoming campus learning environment. They oversee the student code of conduct and issues/concerns related to academic grievances.  In particular, the academic grievances they handle are grade-related issues and academic misconduct (e.g., plagiarism) issues. All other graduate student grievances should be reported to Graduate Division.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 207
(808) 956-4416


Office of Title IX
Members of the UH Mānoa community, guests, faculty, staff and students have the right to be free from all forms of sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct (e.g., acts of sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking). The university believes in zero tolerance for sex/gender-based misconduct. Should you experience or witness sex discrimination, harassment, and/or any related sex/gender-based misconduct, please contact this office

2500 Campus Road, Hawaii Hall 112
(808) 956-2299


Prevention, Awareness, and Understanding (PAU) Violence Program
Services include education, information, safety planning, academic support, and referrals to campus and community resources. Their approach is student-centered, collaborative, and based in trying to help inspire, educate, and empower students and campus communities to build safe living-learning environments.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 211
(808) 956-8059

Support is also provided to students accused of sexual misconduct by another student. Questions can be answered about the investigation process, findings, and procedures. However, the respondent support staff member is not legally required to maintain confidentiality and does not provide any legal advice.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 305
(808) 956-4392


Student Basic Needs
Basic needs includes, but are not limited to, food and housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, financial resources and transportation. At some point in your educational journey, you may face challenges in accessing adequate amounts of food, housing, financial or other resources. This is called basic needs insecurity and millions of students experience it each year. To ensure that basic needs are met for all UH students, a list of on-campus resources and those available in the surrounding community are provided on the UH Student Basic Needs website.


Student Housing Services

Frear Hall
2569 Dole Street
Honolulu, HI 96822

Main Office: (808) 956-8177
Fax: (808) 956-5995

  • Cashier Office: (808) 956-5178
  • Residential Life (ResLife): (808) 956-8300
  • Residence Hall Tours: (808) 956-8300
  • Network Support (ResNet): (808) 956-6800

Student Parents at Mānoa (SPAM)*
This office provides support, advocacy, and referrals for pregnant and parenting students.

2600 Campus Rd., QLCSS 211
(808) 956-8059


UH Confidential Advocacy*
The UH Confidential Advocates provide confidential advocacy services and case management to victims* of sex discrimination and gender-based violence (including sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, dating and domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and sexual assault) who are involved in the University system on Oʻahu.

Leslie Cabingabang*
UH Confidential Advocate
Telephone: (808) 348-0432
Email: or

Jamie Newalu*
Mānoa Advocate
Telephone: (808)956-9499
Email: or


University Health Services Mānoa*
A wide range of medical services are offered either by appointment or on a walk-in basis. This office provides a staff of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, and other support staff.

1710 East West Rd.
(808) 956-8965


Additional Resources

Resources for Minority Students